VijayramOnline Blogging
Subject: gratitude n misfortune
Message: #3  2024-04-25  
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Subject: gratitude n misfortune
Message: #2  2020-03-26  
i thank God for all the life-long interesting occasions and
misfortunes that occurred to me for which i feel and attribute my
gratitude. i could not no-longer cherish those moments that happened
to me in my life-long enjoyment / youthful time i have been into. huh
i say get lost for ever so that it might make me wonderful and
enthusiastic for years ahead. may god himself see the colorful life
that has been setup before my realising the facts once for all i
extend my gratitude ever to be yourselves…thank god…
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Subject: gratitude n misfortune
Message: #1  2020-06-13  
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